So, what do I think is going to happen in this course? More hard work, of course. Maybe some hair pulling or banging my head against a wall. I have worked in WebCT which will hopefully make it a little easier but I am not going to count on it (that would be the surest way to jinx myself). Besides that won't make the writing or the design aspect any easier.
Speaking of writing, that is one of, no it is my biggest problem). I don't have to do much writing for my job, the most I have to do is create tutorials using PowerPoint, which is not even close to writing a paper. I do an annual report which is basically a list of everything I have done for the past year. See my problem? I have not wrote a paper since I was in college many, many, many years ago. I can set papers up APA Style, I can do research, but when it comes to writing papers........ HELP!!!!! I know that our projects are not papers, but when you take a look at the courses we have taken there is a lot of writing involved. There is the syllabus, introduction, all of the components that make up the different modules. Need I go on? So, I say again...HELP!!!!
My other problem will be the design aspect. I have to try and remember everything we have learned and apply it to my course. I am afraid my mind will go blank and I won't remember anything. I want my course to be designed so that my students don't have to try and navigate their way around. I want everything to be seamless so that they can just concentrate on topic being covered. I want to take into consideration disabilities, learning styles, how much can be done in a week, etc. The list is endless, but all of the components are necessary for a well designed, put together course.
Where does that leave me now? Right now it feels like I am standing at the top of a crane getting ready to bungee jump (and I am afraid of heights and falling). So I am going to take a deep breath, exhale and start the journey. See you at the bottom.