I can hardly believe it, but the journey has come to an end. It has taken a little over a year to complete the journey and what a journey it has been. Each course, each module was in truth an adventure. The journey was well mapped out thanks to our instructors; however there were little side trips and detours (mainly when it came to learning styles, teaching styles, pedagogy, online models and who can forget learning objectives).
I was so naive when I started the course. I thought we would learn how to create online content; it never occurred to me that I would need to know what my teaching style was or even what my students learning styles were. It never even entered my mind that I would need to know anything about education. I know, it seems incredible but it is true.
So what did I learn in the certificate program? I learned that you can form a deep sense of community in an online course, but it doesn't happen by magic. It has to be planned and worked into the course design. I learned to create learning objectives (at least basic ones that work). That if I want my students to succeed the course must be designed with their learning styles in mind; it can't be designed based on how I like to learn. I learned what components are necessary for a quality course. A quality course is not based on the background colors, flashy animations or even all the bells and whistle.

Will the course I worked on throughout this program stand the test of time? I hope so; it probably won't be look exactly the same. There will be changes made as I receive feedback from the students. It might migrate from WebCT to a different platform; we never know what the future holds. Will the material change, I hope so since the web is a constantly evolving creature. If my course is not allowed to develop and change it will stagnate. Instead of having a course that will interest and challenge students, I will have a course that is out of date and considered a joke.
Will I be the same? I hope not, I hope I evolve just as my course will evolve. I know that I am not the same person that started the program. Since beginning this course I have been touched and influenced by my classmates and instructors. With their support and encouragement I gained confidence in my abilities. Thank you, all of you for everything.
One final thought, this may be the end of one journey but it is also the beginning of a new journey. Where it will take me I don't know, but it will be interesting to find out. Maybe I will see you on my journey.
clipart provided by: http://www.worldatlas.com/